Discover the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. by solving challenges and unlocking stories on your phone. Play the engaging exploration game, taking the role of a famous historian.
As you solve challenges, the story unfolds and exact directions on your phone will guide you to the next location. Ready for an adventure?
Highlights include:
• Explore the United States Capitol, the Supreme Court of the United States, Library of Congress and lesser-known places.
• Enjoy a uniquely crafted story brought to you by our talented writers.
• Learn about the fascinating legend behind the emblem of the USA.
• Discover the largest library in the world.
• Try a new type of experience, the perfect mix between a tour, outdoor escape game, and treasure hunt.
After your booking, you will receive an email with instructions on how to download and play the game on your phone. We recommend that each user purchases a ticket for an optimal experience,although several people can share a phone.
24/7 customer support.
A city exploration game available on your phone (Questo app).